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May 21 2020
When I look at my soon-to-be 14-year-old daughter, I often think back to myself at that age. Truthfully, though, Cassie oozes so much more confidence than I ever did as a teenager
May 20 2020
You might be thinking that with COVID-19 stay-at-home rules in place and limits on how many people can gather, your annual National Dairy Month farm tour should be canceled, too
May 19 2020
Restrictions on travel and large gatherings are impacting pretty much everyone – including animal rights activist organizations
May 14 2020
Well, it happened this past week. I turned 30 years old and plucked not one but two gray hairs out of my head
May 13 2020
So, I hear you have a question. But please tread lightly because if it’s a question I deem as dumb, then I will make fun of you and slander your name across every social media outlet I can find so...
May 12 2020
We enjoyed a beautiful weekend for Mother’s Day. The weather was perfect, if not a little on the hot side
May 7 2020
It seems like the world is at a standstill, but the view outside my farmhouse in East Moline, Ill., tells a different story
May 6 2020
If you’ve been following my blogs or my social media, you know what mental health in agriculture means to me. In fact, two of the most honest and open things I’ve ever put out into the world...
May 4 2020
Last summer I had the opportunity to tour agricultural enterprises in Scotland and Ireland as part of the international dairy judging tour
May 1 2020
If you are like me, you know that it’s smart to stay updated on everything going on; however, you also enjoy the times where everyone isn’t talking about COVID-19
April 29 2020
What’s greater, a positive or a negative? A plus one or a minus one? Mathematically, positive numbers always progress in a positive trajectory
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April 28 2020
To say we are all trying to find a new normal would be an understatement. With schools closing and classrooms moving to distance learning, the biggest learning curve I think
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April 27 2020
When trying to formulate an idea for this week’s blog, I honestly couldn’t decide if I needed to stay away from anything to do with COVID-19 or not. Maybe I should have written
April 24 2020
Attacks on your social media channels can be disheartening, but there are ways to manage the hurtful comments and negative people
April 22 2020
At this point, if you’re on social media, you’ve seen the awful comments left by activists on farmers’ posts
April 21 2020
In my previous blog, I wrote about how animal rights activist groups are attempting to sway farmers to their side by offering resources to switch from dairy to growing crops that can be used to make plant-based...
April 20 2020
“If you can feed B vitamins at an economical price, do it!” encouraged Mike Hutjens. That was one of the messages viewers received as the University of Illinois nutrition icon
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April 16 2020
My mom penned an open letter in response to the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on retail dairy, and her thoughtful perspective is touching and reassuring
April 14 2020
Everywhere you look, the only thing in front of us seems to be COVID-19. The uncertainty in everything is tiring
April 10 2020
During the COVID-19 pandemic, milk is being dumped, while exports have disappeared and there is no milk and milk limits in my local stores